BLR’s Super Sunday Show @the Teahouse

Čas události: 10.11.2019 19:45 - 22:00
Místo: A Maze in Tchaiovna, Kafkova 18, Praha

They’re back! And now on Sundays too! Each week the amazing theatre group Blood, Love and Rhetoric Improv Comedy will be performing their all new Sunday Show at A Maze in Tchaiovna.

They will perform new jokes and try new formats to help you end your weekend with a giggle!

Mixing more traditional American/British improv formats with a more European theatrical feel and an international cast of professional and dedicated performers, it’s a perfect night of comedy and theatre with all the joys and none of the pretense.

Come along for fun, frolics and a good guffaw over a cup of tea and the best microbrewery beer in town!


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