Go with the flow – Improv Classes in English

Čas události: 19.2.2020 19:30 - 21:30
Místo: BURANTEATR, Sokolský Stadion, Kounicova 20, Brno
Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/475037360100390
Vstupenky: https://forms.gle/N9XoCcYrp1DibGUR9

English group: Go with the flow!

Level: beginners – pre-intermediate
When: Wed 19. 2. – 22. 4. (10 lessons/120 mins)
Time: 19:30 – 21:30
Where: BuranTeatr
Price: 3300,-
Participants: 10-12
Performance: optional

We will discover the basic improvisational principles through simple exercises and we will build upon them in the improvised games and forms. The workshops are highly engaging as well as funny. 🙂

APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/N9XoCcYrp1DibGUR9

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