IMPRO Ambassadors – WORKSHOP: HOW TO DO NOTHING with Ollie Rasini

Čas události: 2.12.2023 10:00 - 18:00
Místo: Podskalská 14

We learn to do a lot of things in improv, but sometimes the best thing is to just stop doing and try to be fully present in our beautiful bodies.
We will be using music and movement to try to turn off the judging brain and just be with each other on stage for a little bit. So put on some comfortable clothes, take off your shoes, and start vibing.


Ollie Rasini is an Italian-American improviser and trained actress who loves movement. She is part of Teatro a Molla improv company in Bologna and teaches theatre workshops aimed at adults, young adults, people with disabilities, and social workers. She also teaches workshops about the works of William Shakespeare with Teatro delle Due and performs regularly in Shakespeare and other theatre productions.

First half 10:30 – 13:30
Second half 15:00 – 18:00

Clothing: comfortable clothes in which you can move freely.

Language of the workshop is English with no translation to Czech.

There will be an evening performance „Spontaneous Dialogues“
Starring: Láďa Karda and Ollie Rassini

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