9th International Symposium Workshop: Creative Global Futures

Čas události: 4.10.2017 15:15 - 16:30
Místo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Czech Republic), Loretánské náměstí 5, Praha
Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/1802530253374670
Vstupenky: http://www.iir.cz/article/9th-international-symposium-joint-workshop-creative-global-futures

Can you imagine that the boundaries between comedy and fear, improvisation and scholarly rigour, creativity and diplomatic rules, future and the past, theatre and life suddenly collapse?

Become part of such unique experiecnce during a workshop „Creative Global Futures“ which will be part of our 9th International Symposium: Responsibility in Leaderless World. The workshop will be run by leading Prague’s improvisation group Blood, Love and Rhetoric we can promise you that you will never look at the future of the Global affairs through the same lens.

Institute of International Relations Prague / Ústav mezinárodních vztahů and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Czech Republic) would like to cordially invite you to the 9th International Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy”. This year’s main topic will be „Responsibility in a Leaderless World“. The event will take place on 4-5 October 2017 in the Czernin Palace.

Please register for the Workshop here: http://www.iir.cz/article/9th-international-symposium-joint-workshop-creative-global-futures

And also register as a participant of the International Symposium, where this workshop takes place: http://www.iir.cz/article/9th-international-symposium-czech-foreign-policy

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