BLR Comedy Improv – The Experimental Show

Čas události: 1.10.2017 19:45 - 21:45
Místo: A Maze in Tchaiovna, Muchova 4, Praha

The Blood, Love and Rhetoric Improv Comedy will be performing their monthly Experimental Improv Show at A Maze in Tchaiovna on Sunday, 1st October at our premises on Muchova 4. They will perform new jokes and try new formats as you finish your weekend with a giggle!

Mixing more traditional American/British improv formats with a more European theatrical feel and an international cast of professional and dedicated performers, it’s a perfect night of comedy and theatre with all the joys and none of the pretence.

Come along for fun, frolics and a good guffaw over a cup of tea and the best microbrewery beer in town!


p.s. check out their show every Thursday from September at Malostranska Beseda plus every Friday at A Maze in Tchaiovna

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