BLR presents the Improv Battle Show @ A Maze in Tchaiovna

Čas začátku: 11.12.2015 19:30
Čas konce: ..

Místo: A Maze in Tchaiovna, Muchova 4, Praha

This coming Friday, we are proudly hosting the 1st BLR presents the Improv Battle Show at A Maze in Tchaiovna.
Over the coming months BLR will be inviting different theatre groups from Czech Republic and elsewhere to showcase some of the best talent on the theatre circuit.

This week, BLR Improv Theatre will be battling the incredibly talented Czech language improv group KOSA..
Expect fun, silliness and the unexpected as BLR battle Kosa to find out which group can reign supreme!
A very fun night is in store for sure! 🙂


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