Discover Improv with us!

Čas události: 18.6.2022 10:00 - 12:30
Místo: Divadlo D21

On Saturday 18th June, we will take you to the Divadlo D21’s stage and share with you all our improv tips and tricks and show you that you can also be an improviser!

Through various games and exercises, you will learn the key fundamentals of improv, such as making and accepting offers, finding a character, creating a story, etc. We aim to make you realize that the improv principles we’ll teach you can be translated into your day-to-day life.

The workshop will be hosted at Divadlo D21, which will give you a real feel of the stage experience.

The workshop will be conducted in English, and costs 250 CZK which can be paid either by bank transfer or cash

Register now, as the numbers of slots are limited!

To register, please fill-up the below google form


Who should attend?

Literally anyone 😊. If you’re a total beginner, you’ll learn everything you need to know to kick-start your improv career and have a ton of fun!
If you’re an experienced improviser, you’ll get a refresher of the key improv fundamentals, and have a ton of fun!

You are shy and think that you would not be able to do it?

Screwing up is part of the improv magic, and one of the first principles in improv is to celebrate failure. Once the room door is closed, we are between us in our bubble, having great fun without ever judging each other. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? Improv-wise, it’s the same 😊

English is not your native language, and you are scared not to be able to do it

Even though it is advisable to be relatively at ease with speaking in English, improv is not only about vocabulary and words. For example, a game like forward/backwards requires only a few words to be effective. In the workshop, the pace and overall activities will be adapted based on everyone’s level.

What should I bring?

Nothing apart from comfortable shoes and your best mood!

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