English Improv – Free Lesson

Čas události: 21.11.2022 18:30 - 20:30
Místo: Vinohradská 47, 120 00 Praha, Česká Republika
Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/1749618038756147

We invite you to play impro games and learn the techniques – this is theatre without an audience. We play for our own enjoyment!

Let’s wake up our playfulness, discover a new world of improv and meet new friends. Play guided games with your experienced improv instructor, Brian. Get to know yourself and your friends even better.

This meeting is for everyone, no previous experience with improvisation is necessary. Some people find improv therapeutic, some liberating, even inspiring… Either way we will enjoy two hours of great fun.

If you like to play and laugh, let’s enjoy this time together 🙂

Brian & Sendy

Need more info? Call Brian: 608 442 065

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