Improv Jam!

Čas události: 1.10.2023 19:00 - 21:00
Místo: Kavárna Liberál

Hey friends!

Let’s get together and Jam!

We’ll do some warmups and then move on to open scene work and montages and some silly games!

You may come just to watch, but you’ll be encouraged to get onstage and be silly with the rest of us.

Kavarna Liberal has an extensive food and drink menu!

Suggested Donation: 200 CZK
Maximum Donation: 1,001 CZK

If you can’t happily contribute 100-200 CZK, please accept the jam as my gift to you. I want improv to be a part of everyone’s life.

As with all of my events I am committed to this being an environment that is welcoming to people of all ethnic, racial, national, sexual, and gender identities and I hope for the support of all attendees in creating that space of acceptance.

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