Improv Open Mic Jam

Čas události: 3.4.2018 20:00 - 22:00
Místo: The ACT Prague, Na Kralovce 437/7, Praha

Come join us for a night filled with improv and new challenges!

Would you like to play more improv but lack a group? Want to try a new game but don’t have the partner to play it with. Do you and your friends like playing improv but don’t have a place to do it? With this Improv Open Mic Jam the stage will be open to all improvisers or all levels!

Simply attend the event, sign up for whatever improv game you would like to play and who you would like to play it with.

We will have two improvisers who will be there to help direct and join in any games if anyone needs another play partner.

Doors Open at 19:30 Show starts at 20:00

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