Improv Theatre Jam Show – Christmas edition

Čas události: 7.12.2023 20:30 - 23:30
Místo: Na Celné 3, 150 00 Praha, Česká Republika

Hello everybody, we are very sorry, but we have to cancel today’s Improv Theatre Jam Show. Our teacher and main organiser of the show, Tim Bürgi, is sick. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will be hosting the same event next week at 8:30 p.m.

PIN presents the Improv Theatre Jam Show – Cristmas edition!
An international group of improvisers will use your suggestions to create humorous scenes on the spot. Starring the Improv Workshop participants and professional improvisers!
Show starts at 20:30.
By donation (recommended 100 Kč)

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