Improv Theatre Workshop – Christmas open class

Čas události: 7.12.2023 19:00 - 22:00
Místo: Na Celné 3, 150 00 Praha, Česká Republika

Hello everybody, we are very sorry, but we have to cancel today’s workshop on improvization. Our teacher, Tim Bürgi, is sick. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will be hosting the same event next week at 7 p.m., so feel free to join us then.:)

There is an open improv class on Thursday led by Tim Bürgi 🇨🇦. All skill levels are welcome, including those who are new to theater and would like to try some improv games.
The Improv Theatre Jam Show, which will take place after the session (8:30 pm – 9 pm), will allow all workshop attendees to participate in improvised situations in front of a live audience.
Adults: 300Kč – 1 class
Students: 1 class – 200 Kč
Tram station: Anděl

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