Improv Workshop – Group Mind and Heart

Čas události: 15.10.2023 16:00 - 18:45
Místo: Kavárna Liberál

Some performing groups move together as though they have one mind, one heart, and are even a single organism.

Finding people we have chemistry with can help us achieve this, but natural chemistry only goes so far. To consistently amaze our audiences we have to develop a group mindset of trust, compassion, and unfailing support.

In this workshop we will practice exercises and explore games that increase your ability to predict what other people in your performance group are doing and how you can best compliment their choices. We will play with Viewpoint movement theory to become more comfortable with our bodies.

This workshop is open to all levels of improvisers and will focus on non-verbal techniques, so perfect English skills are not necessary.

If you come for the workshop you can stay for the jam without feeling like you need to pay twice. 🙂

Nick has been improvising for nearly fifteen years and performed and studied across the world. He has attend classes with Hoopla and The Free Association in London, and Flock Theater in Amsterdam. He is a regular attendee at Improv Festivals and was most recently seen performing as part of an ensemble cast at the Robin Hood International Improv Festival in the United Kingdom and at the Moment Festival in Vienna.

Suggested Donation: 200 CZK
Maximum Donation: 1,001 CZK

If you can’t happily contribute 100-200 CZK, please accept the workshop as my gift to you. I want improv to be a part of everyone’s life.

As with all of my events I am committed to this being an environment that is welcoming to people of all ethnic, racial, national, sexual, and gender identities and I hope for the support of all attendees in creating that space of acceptance.

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