Opusť hlavu, naslouchej srdci – Kanadský IMPRO workshop

Čas události: 27.4.2019 9:30 - 17:30
Místo: Škola improvizace, Náměstí Barikád 1, Praha
Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/266780784268937
Vstupenky: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpQNs9Qsc9Xpwbkv_7U4a0Obbln0YBjyeMZzD-73pJFogcFQ/viewform

Dvě Kanaďanky JOLEEN BALLENDINE & AMY SHOSTAK k nám dorazí s velmi silným celodenním workshopem.

Jak často jsi na scéně s a divíš se, o co tam vlastně jde, kde jste se tam vzali? Snažíš se to změnit, snažíš se utéct, ale nevíš, kam až můžeš zajít a v ten moment přestaneš poslouchat svůj instinkt.

Na workshopu se zaměříme na to, jak opustit tento způsob přemýšlení a jak poslouchat své srdce. Kam až nás zavede? Naučíš se poslouchat svoje emoce a impulsy, namísto tvého racionálního mozku. Naučíš se přenést své pocity do vztahu na jevišti, i mimo něj.

Workshop je určen pro všechny improvizátory bez omezení – Nezáleží na tom, jak dlouho to děláš 😉 Bude to probíhat v angličtině, ale neni se čeho bát, protože na místě bude i překlad 😉

Cena 2900,- Kč za celodenní ws (2500,- Kč pro studenty a absolventy ŠKOLY IMPROVIZACE).

Platba na místě, je ale nutná rezervace zde:

O lektorkách:
Joleen has been improvising with Edmonton’s Rapid Fire Theatre since 2007. She is the Associate Director of Education and is a senior player performing weekly in Theatresports, Maestro and CHiMPROV (Rapid Fire’s long form show). Some of her notable improv troupes include DotDotDot, Rå Power, and Z-Said. She is also the creator and lead instructor for the At-Risk-Youth Project, and recently started an improv program for kids called The Kidprovisors.
Teaching and performing has made a traveler of Joleen. She has been all over Canada, The US, and Europe. Recent trips include Toronto, Vancouver, Arizona, New York, Berlin, Würzburg, Munich, Vienna, Ljubljana, Zurich, and Oslo.
When Joleen is not improvising, she writes for, and stars in Edmonton’s award-winning sketch television program Caution: May Contain Nuts, which airs on APTN. Joleen draws inspiration from Rock n‘ Roll, dogs and high kicks, so watch out!

Amy is an improvisor and creator living in Vancouver, Canada. She started improvising with Edmonton’s Rapid Fire Theatre in 2002, and she served as the company’s Artistic Director for six years. In 2015, she was honoured with an Excellence in Artistic Direction Award from the Mayor’s Celebration for the Arts in Edmonton. Amy now spends her time in Vancouver, teaching improvisation with Blind Tiger Comedy, and is the festival director of The Vancouver International Improv Festival. She is passionate about creating safe and healthy improv communities, and has organized several dialogues and panels while in Vancouver.
Amy is also keen on making improvisation more spontaneous, and telling stories that impact an audience.
Improv has taken Amy many places. She is so pleased to have been able to perform at Monkeyfest in Bogota, Improvention in Canberra, The Lost in Translation Festival in Milan, The Sweden International Improv Festival, and The Wurzburger Impro Festival.
She loves heavy metal, and nachos.

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