“Curè de Milan” is a Prague based group of theatre improvisers coming from all over Europe: England, Italy, Kazakstan, Russia, Ukraine.
7 actors + 1 guitar player will perform stories that you will inspire with your inputs, using the techniques of long-form improvisational theatre.
Come and “draw” with us the imaginary sketches that the theatre plays will be born from.
When: Sunday, 17th November, 19:30
Where: Divadlo D21, Záhřebská 468/21, 120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady
Ticket price: 150 czk
Reserve your seat at: christianoro@hotmail.it
The show will be performed in English
Actors: Ryan Bowen, Roman Golotovsky, Sasha Kazan, Christian Oronzo, Denis Pancenko, Anna Skladchikova, Anastasia Vasilieva
Directed by Christian Oronzo
Musician: Francesco Busiello
Adv Sketch drawn by: https://www.instagram.com/mr.m4sketch/