The Imperfectionists present Friday Night Armandoness

Čas události: 26.4.2024 19:30 - 21:30
Místo: Kavárna Liberál

Can we have a word? Just one word. And we’ll take it from there.

The Imperfectionists present an Armando, a format created by (wait for it) Armando Diaz in Chicago. Your single word will inspire a monologue from our special guest, CeeCee Lam of Script for Brains. Then we’ll do a montage of scenes inspired by the monologue.

And it will all be improvised.

The Armando will be preceded by a series of short-form games in the first half.

Kavárna Liberál is about a 5-minute walk from the transport stop of your choice: Vltavská Metro station and tram stop, or the Strossmayerovo náměstí tram stop. Our show is downstairs; the stairs are located next to the bar.

Showtime is 19:30. Doors open at 19:10. We strongly suggest arriving early to get yourselves a drink and guarantee a seat. Please note this show is on a Friday and not our usual night for this venue.

Admission is 150 Kc general, 100 Kc for students (please bring an ID). You can pay in cash or via bank transfer with a QR code.

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