The ImproBabble Improv Show!

Čas události: 2.5.2020 19:00 - 20:00
Místo: Kavárna Liberál, Heřmanova 6, Praha

Fall is here, sky’s no longer clear 🌩️ — and before you know it you’re back to work and every day’s the same…NO MORE!!! 😈

Enough is enough!! 🗯️⚡ Get off your couch, get over at Kavarna Liberal, get a beer🍺 and come downstairs to get your laughs with us! 😂🤣

This fall, you get the giggles with our new and improved team: 🙊Ira 🐸Martin, 🐰Chelsea, 🦄Lenka & of course, 🐻Slava the Beast!

50kč at the door. In return, 60 minutes of rapid-fire Improv Games to get your dopamine boost! 🙃😬 LOL

See you there!!

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