WORKSHOP // Hendrik Martz (DE) // Introduction into the Meisner Technique

Čas začátku: 22.7.2021 10:00
Čas konce: 25.7.2021 19:00

Místo: BURANTEATR, Sokolský Stadion, Kounicova 20, Brno

This four day workshop is designed to give the participants an overview over the Concepts of famous US – Acting Teacher Sanford Meisner in his Meisner Technique.

The Meisner Technique is a systematic approach to train actors, to truly listen and react upon impulse, rather than waiting for text cues. It will change the way you behave on stage and in your work. Through applying the technique, a deep contact between you and others will be established. The result is not another standardized performance, but truthful, authentic moments, which make your performance unique. Instead of playing a part and exchanging lines, you “are” the character and you are having a human dialogue based upon your own truth.

The workshop will cover the foundation of the technique which is the exercise “Repetition” and it will also add exercises such as “Knock at the door” and “Independent Activity”.

The Meisner Technique is suitable for actors working in Theatre, Improvisation or in Film / TV.

Practical Information :

22. – 25. 7. 2021

22. 7. 2021 10:00 – 19:00 (with break for lunch)
23. 7. 2021 10:00 – 19:00 (with break for lunch)
24. 7. 2021 10:00 – 19:00 (with break for lunch)
25. 7. 2021 10:00 – 19:00 (with break for lunch)

BuranTeatr, Kounicova 20, Brno

Full price: 6000 CZK

Student: 5000 CZK (DAMU; JAMU; students of other schools of practical disciplines in the field of performing and musical arts; THE NEED TO SEND A STUDY CONFIRMATION TO

Donor: 7000 CZK

Scholarship: 5000 CZK (Scholarship places will be opened based on the number of donor places. Applicants for a scholarship are obliged to contact us before registration at with a request and a motivation letter.)

Your reservation is valid after paying a non-refundable General deposit of 3000 CZK, Donor deposit 3500 CZK or the full price. In case of cancellation of the workshop due to measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deposit will be refunded. The second part of the payment will take place 14 days before the workshop. It is possible to register for the workshop by 8. 7. 2021!

Workshop will be in English.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

Hendrik Martz

Hendrik Martz started acting at age 16 and has been in the Acting Business for over 35 years now. He studied the Meisner technique under Sanford Meisner, Martin Barter and Richard Pinter at the Neighborhood Playhouse in N.Y.C. For the last 12 years he’s been coaching and training actors all over Europe. He invented the Camera Acting LAB and Bootcamp Formats, in which he prepares actors to work in the field of Film / Television. Hendrik lives with his family in Berlin.


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